What is Hypervisor?



2 min read

Compute Machine

Computing device or Compute machine is a device which does several operations (CPU) stores that information , shares it with other computing devices. All this are the part of Computing device - CPU, RAM, Network, Storage


Now let's say I have two tasks to do, one is running a web server and another is running some application on a different server. And I have only one machine/ Computing device to perform this so what happens is for the first task I might not need the whole capacity of the Computing device/machine.

Second thing, I want to test my Web application on two different Operating systems.

So what we can do is virtualize these resources to be used by multiple processes for different requirements.

Virtualization we can define as utilizing the capacity of a computing device/ hardware by virtualizing it to be used for multiple environments/ users.

So here we get two major needs for Virtualization

  • Resource efficiency, cost reduction

  • Providing multiple environments for testing Now how does visualization work?

Here Hypervisors come into picture.

Hypervisor is a piece of software that separates hardware resources and virtual environments and manages those resources for virtual environments that need those resources. Also known as Virtual Machine Monitor.

Hardware (3).png

As you can see in the diagram above hypervisor hypervisor takes the hardware resources and divides them as per need of the hosts/VM( Virtual Machines) sitting above it.

Types of Hypervisor

  1. Type 1 hypervisor / Bare Metal Hypervisor
  2. Type 2 hypervisor / Hosted Hypervisor

1. Bare metal hypervisor

So as the name suggests this type of hypervisor barely sits on the hardware, i.e. it directly communicates with the hardware.

Hardware (2).png There is no middle man in between hardware and hypervisor which makes it secure as well as provides low latency. And due to this Type1 hypervisor is the most used type of hypervisor.

2 . Hosted Hypervisor

Hosted hypervisor is hosted on the Operating system. It acts like a software running on an Operating System which can then manage other guests/ VMs.

Hardware (1).png The advantages of Type1 hypervisor become disadvantages here, as the OS is middleware between hardware and hypervisor; it takes time to communicate, which leads to latency and questions the security provided.

Trying to explore Cloud Computing! Started writing blogs on the core concepts, this will help me in revising concepts.

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